Friday Unrelated Information

1. Have you noticed I haven’t had any local political commentary lately? I’m only getting the Tribune on Sundays now and it’s been lovely. The less I know about what the patriarchs in the Utah Legislature are doing, the happier I am in the mornings. (Of course, the paper boy decided to deliver the paper every day this week, just in time for Buttars to disgrace himself again.)

2. Since I mentioned WWII on Tuesday, I have to mention that Yesterday was the National Day of Remembrance for the American citizens who were put into internment camps during WWII. Families could only take what they could carry–what about their pets?

3. And I was so excited to post the quote about pie on Wednesday that I forgot Wednesday’s tune. To end the week of sad stories and WWII on happy note, here’s Big Rock Candy Mountain, “a song about a hobo’s idea of paradise,” according to Wikipedia.

2 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. Maybe my “what about” should have been phrased “what would have happened to” their pets, because I’m sure they couldn’t bring them. Heartbreaking all around…

    I’ll have to check out the U exhibit. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. I’m not sure, but I think I’ve heard that internees were not allowed to take their pets. They had to give them to others or otherwise deal with them before they went to the camps.

    Speaking of the internment camps, have you heard there’s a exhibit at the U of U of photos taken at Topaz by Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams?

    I’ve been to the real Big Rock Candy Mountain, incidentally. Very disappointing…

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