Friday Unrelated Information

1. This week I discovered the Twitter feed of Sockington the cat, the latest cat-related internet craze. Some gems include:

tiny meow behind you please turn around it would mean a lot to me if you turn arHUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY

stretching neck at you streeeetching neck OH NECK IS STRETCHING NEAR YOUR HAND OH GOD SO CLOSE TO ooo petting what a surprise

2. Speaking of the internet, should I be on Facebook or Twitter? Apparently this will help me find a job.

3. Items baked this week: Cinnamon swirl bread, a whole-wheat baguette from Laurie Colwin’s recipe, oatmeal-butterscotch chip cookies, and dulce de leche brownies. I made my own dulce de leche, too.

2 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. you can import your blog feed and update little tobyisms from your mac or through txt. poems (140 characters at a time.) lyrics. there is alot of people you would enjoy following. recipes, neil gaiman, david lynch, al gore. i am speak on twitter of course. I hate facebook but also have one. I am @mobilerobot and @littleplasticjc on twitter.

  2. You know this is coming from the likes of me.


    And if you want to get all insane I’ll show you how to link the two.

    See you on Facebook! I’ll be your friend. I’ll follow you on twitter too – you can follow ‘sawayaconsult’

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