Tuesday Baking Roundup: Is It The Year of Cakes?

I’m a decent baker but I’ve never had a lot of success with cakes, let alone with making them look fancy. My mom was always the cake person–she even took a few classes on cake decorating–so I never really needed to try to improve. But I think the last six weeks have made me want to try more cakes?

It started with an easy gingerbread layer cake for my sister-in-law’s birthday. The frosting was stabilized whipped cream and I didn’t even try to ice the sides. Decorations were just garnishes, really, but it looked so fancy!

Then I made a carrot layer cake for Doc’s birthday. I attempted to ice the sides on that but was able to use chopped pecans to hide the unevenness. The cake didn’t fall! It had real layers! Maybe I was on to something?

I took a brief detour over Christmas and practiced my piping on our family’s sugar cookie recipe:

Then I took all my mom’s cake boards and decorating tools and thought, “Let’s go all in and make my birthday cake.” And reader, it mostly worked! The layers didn’t fall, I was able to frost it pretty well, and I even piped decorative borders! It was a tiramisu cake and it not only looked fancy(ish), it tasted great:

I kind of want to keep practicing with a cake a month: I have my mom’s little 6-inch pans, which would make a delightful cake for two for Valentine’s Day…my brother’s family gave me a horseshoe-shaped pan for my birthday, which could be a lucky St Patrick’s Day cake…and on and on. I like the thought of 2022 at least having cake, whatever else it holds.

Friday Unrelated Information

1. I worked half of the week (yay!), so no bread baking, but I did make cookies twice: These hazelnut blondies and the coffee-almond bars I linked to Tuesday. Tomorrow I’ll make cinnamon bread again.

2. Speaking of Tuesday, navy wasn’t the best color choice for the fleece top to wear around the house–there’s an orange haze of Toby hair all over it after ten minutes. Oh well; a conductor in college once said that cat hair on your clothes was just “a memento of something you love.”

3. How soon can I plant cold-weather crops like kale and spinach in the ground? St. Patricks day? I’ve always just transplanted seedlings, but the seed packets say “sow 4-6 weeks before the last frost.”

Friday Unrelated Information

1. This week I discovered the Twitter feed of Sockington the cat, the latest cat-related internet craze. Some gems include:

tiny meow behind you please turn around it would mean a lot to me if you turn arHUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY

stretching neck at you streeeetching neck OH NECK IS STRETCHING NEAR YOUR HAND OH GOD SO CLOSE TO ooo petting what a surprise

2. Speaking of the internet, should I be on Facebook or Twitter? Apparently this will help me find a job.

3. Items baked this week: Cinnamon swirl bread, a whole-wheat baguette from Laurie Colwin’s recipe, oatmeal-butterscotch chip cookies, and dulce de leche brownies. I made my own dulce de leche, too.