Friday Unrelated Information

1.Every time I watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s (or even the clip I posted yesterday), I have to remember that George Peppard went from playing the love interest in that film to playing the Colonel in The A-Team. Strange.

2. Speaking of movies, I watched The Hunt for Red October last night and was struck by all number of things–how young Alec Baldwin was in 1990, how 18-year-olds have no memory of the Cold War, and how I kind of want a big furry Russian hat.

2 thoughts on “Friday Unrelated Information

  1. If you really want to turn your impressions of George Peppard upside down, check out Damnation Alley and/or Battle Beyond the Stars, a couple of B-grade sci-fi flicks he made in between Breakfast and The A Team. I first saw him in those, so personally, I find it weird to see him as the romantic lead alongside Audrey Hepburn. Weird, eh?

    And for the record, I love Red October and have thought about getting a furry Russian hat myself!

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