Friday Links

1. Hard to read but important. Burnt Offerings: Aaron Bushnell and the age of immolation

It the rawest testament to the absence of effective courses of action. When war consists primarily of unelected men in undisclosed locations pouring fire on the heads of people we will never know on the other side of the world, there is very little that ordinary people can do to arrest its progress. But we still have our bodies, and it is in the nature of fire to refuse containment.


2.  Kind of the only segue possible, from writer Vinay Krishan:


3. Uh, sorry for the downers at the end of the week. We’re still here, though. And we’re getting swole.

@the_swoletariat_ #duet with @🎀The hog🎀 #BodyBuilding ♬ Soviet National Anthem – The Red Army Choir