1. What a game review: “Trombones. Hot dogs. Baboons. Collectible cards. Lore. Trombone Champ has it all.” Be sure to turn the sound on for the video examples of actual game play; I was cry-laughing by the end.


2. All the reading I’ve been doing in the throes of Quilt Fever has been from various blogs and books, curated by white folx,  perpetuating an aesthetic that’s pretty rigid, not really questioning the stories they’re repeating. So I was excited to find the work of Grace Rother, who’s making beautiful quilts but also writing about these unspoken rules and picking apart the popular narrative:

Here in the US we have long had a very white, very narrow definition of what a quilt is and how one can be made. Sometimes non-white aesthetics have been incorporated- but almost always through the curation and discernment of white collectors. I am not saying that particular techniques, materials, or patterns are indicative of white supremacy, but that US quilt history is long and white supremacy has aided in keeping very specific opinions about quilts at the forefront. Those opinions have become solidified into an exclusive and rigid set of rules and I am in community with quilters who are dismantling them.


3. Words to remember, especially if you are in the middle of changing up your life and are impatient, too (ahem):
(by artist Made By Nelson)