1. I spent way too much time yesterday clicking through Window Swap, which is pretty much what it says: Look out of other people’s windows around the world. Mesmerizing.
2. A short essay about the appeal of jumpsuits:
Put one on and you feel both armed (with the ability to do at least one useful task) and liberated (from the toil of wearing multiple garments at once).
3. More fashion: a New Yorker piece about what to wear at home, with lots of recs for extremely fancy pajamas–but also fashun history and facts!
Recent retail-sales data reflect a world where there’s nobody to dress up for except your cat. In April, clothing sales fell seventy-nine per cent, the largest decline since records have been kept. But tracksuit purchases were up seventy per cent, and sweatpants eighty per cent. Sales of pajamas rose a hundred and forty-three per cent. Evidently, pants are cancelled (unless they come with an elastic waistband). Their sales declined thirteen per cent. The new focus is above the waist.