This is my last “summer Friday” and Doc goes back to work next week. Why do the fun months seem so much shorter than the hard ones? (Looking at you, January.)
1. We’re big Costco fans for appliances and home stuff (just got a new mattress!) and would definitely use Costco Travel. So reading about someone’s Costco trip to Cancun in The Paris Review of all places was extremely my jam (emphasis mine):
This is the Costco psychology: quality over brand; value over status. To be ripped off is to be taken for a sucker. It is to have your resources wasted, your hard-earned cash sucked into a delusion of taste, timeliness, or class. It is to be left with nothing; or worse, to be haunted by an alternate timeline in which you saved more money. Costco is a fortress against this loss, and the only vacation that my parents would allow is one that safeguarded against that mentality.
2. This story is so wholesome: The Gay Supermarket Sweep “Business Partners” From the ’90s Have a Wilder Story Than You Know
3. Perfect, no notes: