Well, he probably wasn’t a wino, but I think he liked it. I was reading Prince Caspian last night waiting for dinner and there were two separate passages about it:
“..what was in [the pitcher] was not water but the richest wine, red as red-currant jelly, smooth as oil, strong as beef, warming as tea, cool as dew.”
And not ten pages later:
“Then…came the wines: dark, thick ones like syrups of mulberry juice, and clear red ones like red jellies liquefied, and yellow wines and green wines and yellowy-green and greenish-yellow.”
Is anyone surprised to learn that this was one of my favorite Narnia books as a child?
Mr. Isbell
February 27, 2008 @ 10:35 am
Which Narnia book is it where they drink all the Gin?