Breakfast In The South Of France (Wish I Had Some/Was There)

I usually make myself eat a piece of toast or yogurt in the mornings, but I haven’t made a full breakfast with eggs in a few weeks. I think part of the appeal of this passage from The Garden of Eden lies in the fact that they’re in a cafe in the Camargue eating it, but doesn’t it sound like a delicious breakfast?

On this morning there was brioche and red raspberry preserve and the eggs were boiled and there was a pat of butter that melted as they stirred them and salted them lightly and ground pepper over them in the cups. They were big eggs and fresh…he was happy with his which he diced up with the spoon and ate with only the flow of the butter to moisten them and the fresh early morning texture and the bite of the coarsely ground pepper graines and the hot coffee and the chicory-fragrant bowl of cafe au lait.

Mmm, breakfast. How long until lunch?