Battlestar Galacatica: Intergalactic!

Mr. Isbell and I watched another installment of the new Battlestar Galactica last night–the “Razor” extended episode. I never saw the original BSG, so I’m not sure if the Cylons (the evil robots) spoke in an evil robot voice in the series, but last night in Razor, they did. And I turned to Mr. Isbell and said, “How come I’m expecting to hear the Beastie Boys break into ‘Intergalactic’ now?”

So for your Monday morning, here’s the Intergalactic video, complete with robot voices.

4 thoughts on “Battlestar Galacatica: Intergalactic!

  1. To be honest, that’s probably one of the best, most powerful scenes ever done on the original. I’m not too much of a fan to admit that the show suffered from a fair amount of cheese-whiz, especially as time went on and the budget started getting tight. I could bore you silly with my rationalizations about why I still like the show, but that’d take all day and we do have work to do. 🙂

  2. I want them to make a NEW video for that song…complete with grooving Cylon Centurions, Cylon raiders bobbing to the beat in space, Starbuck dancing drunkenly, and Adama throwing a gang sign while nodding his head to the beat.


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