There’s a yearly “sewing challenge” (yes, that is a thing) on Instagram called “Me-Made May” that I’m participating in this year. The originator of the idea talks about it more here, but basically you challenge yourself to wear something you made every day. Some people go all-out and wear all “me-mades” every day; I set a goal to incorporate one handmade thing into every work outfit.

I’ve slowly been turning my Instagram into an all-sewing feed over the last couple years so I’ve seen this challenge before and thought, “I wish I could do that!” the first year and, “Maybe I could try that?” the second year. After being so productive last year (and finally learning to make pants) I decided this was the year to do it.

There’s currently about 14,000 photos with this year’s tag on Instagram; just that sheer number of handmade garments and people sharing them so proudly makes me happy. My own feed is here–my selfie game needs work and I feel a little ridiculous, but this year I’m going to be a joiner.