29 Things Wrap-Up

On this last day of 2009 and third-to-last day of being 29, here’s the recap of the 29 Things. I accomplished 13 of them, scratched 11 of them, and am carrying over the rest.

I’m pretty pleased with what I did get done overall, considering how the year started. But while 2009 had some really rough spots and I can’t wait to put my 20’s behind me, the year was good to me. I have a job I like even better, friends and family who help me out, hobbies, and Toby. As Joseph Addison says, “Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

So here’s the report–green is done, red is scratched or not done, black is going on the 30 Things list, and any commentary is in italics:

  1. Learn the names of the Wasatch mountain peaks–I only can point to Mt. OlympusI can point to Twin Peaks, Lone Peak, and Dromedary Peak now, too.
  2. Pay off the remaining debtSeriously, I thought this day would never come.
  3. Get a queen size mattress
  4. Make a queen-sized quiltDone! Another day I thought would never come.
  5. Hike Bald Mountain in the Uintas againThis sounded less and less appealing as the year went on and I more fully embraced my fear of heights. So scratch this one.
  6. Finish reading The SilmarillionI have also fully embraced my inability to retain anything in this book. Scratch!
  7. Knit Christmas stockings (starting with Toby’s, of course)Only Toby’s is done but that’s the only one that really counts. It’s not like I’m going to hang and fill one for myself.
  8. Visit the north end of Zion National Park
  9. Be less wimpy about riding my bike on cooler daysI was still wimpy, but I’ve come up with a better plan for next year.
  10. Eat at Red Iguana
  11. Eat at The Paris
  12. Chill a watermelon in a stream on a picnic in the mountainsI will now admit that I don’t like watermelon. And I will not be hiking Bald Mountain to give the melon time to chill. Scratch!
  13. Knit at least one thing for charity using up yarn I have-I bought yarn to knit a hat, which ended up being a practice hat for a gift, and then gave away the first hat to Big Brothers Big Sisters and never took a picture of the gift hat.
  14. Get a new desk chair, if an affordable molded Eames chair exists--I am going to force myself to spend the money for a new chair in 2010. I’ll just pretend it’s a pair of shoes.
  15. Cook moules marnieres and fritesI originally meant “from scratch,” i.e. get the mussels, scrub them, purge them, parboil the taters, fun with deep-frying, etc. I cooked a lot of frozen mussels instead. And The Paris offers both the moules and the frites, so I am going to pass on this.
  16. Stop biting my nails.–I have good days and bad days. Still working on this.
  17. Learn how to sew knit fabricDone! And easy!
  18. Drink an Old Fashioned at the bar at Bambara
  19. Learn how to apply eye makeup that doesn’t look scary or amateurish–I’ve even gone from powder eyeliner to a real pencil in the last month or two.
  20. Go to the Oyster Bar one Monday a month after work for a half-priced appetizer-I modified this one in my halfway report, so I’m just calling it done.
  21. Replace my Rubbermaid kitchen garbage can with a broken spring top with something nicer. –I really had a hard time justifying this purchase (but not the purchase of many shoes), so I am indeed turning 30 with duct tape on my garbage can. This one gets top priority in 2010.
  22. Knit an elaborate cabled sweater–I have the yarn and the pattern picked out! Tune in Tuesday for more.
  23. Build my collection of Bach CDsThe only CD I bought this year was Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis. Again, no problem buying shoes, but CDs seemed so extravagant.
  24. Learn how to danceThis plan started out so well, but it ended up not working. Live and learn.
  25. Stop getting plastic bags from the grocery store
  26. Have tea at The Grand AmericaIt turned out that they are a client at my new job, so I have had plenty of Grand America experiences without any tea.
  27. Make cloth napkins and use them for everyday meals
  28. Go out to breakfast one weekend a month
  29. Go to Moab for New Year’s EveI’m having a party on New Year’s Day instead. No travel in the snow, no leaving Toby alone, no getting drunk the night before: Perfect. I still want to try to get to Moab in 2010, though.

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