Sometimes you just wake up and think, “I bet I could start another hobby.” That’s been me thinking about bookbinding lately. I think it started seeing a blogger-turned-newsletter-sender’s books and being struck by the visible stitching. Then I started googling and there’s so much out there!

More of Jane Brocket’s books (she talks here about the book/quilt crossover)


Casebound books (I am learning terminology!) from Bari Zaki Studio in Chicago, which looks amazing.


Ruth Bleakley’s blog has so much to dig into, including posts with how-to videos (this is “Japanese stab stitch” binding).


And, much like sewing, there are a lot of amateur blogs out there just putting out info, like Molly Brooks and her “Exposed Tape Binding in 140(ish) Easy Steps” tutorial.

The continuing education program here even offers live classes, although they don’t start until November. I bet I could just fold some paper and figure it out before then, right?