It was the point of the Summer Solstice in the night last night for our time zone but most of the world will observe it today. Longtime readers will know I’ve had a really hard time just celebrating the Solstice, because it marks the end of the increase of light and the turn to the other half of the year when I get Seasonal Affective Disorder and it’s cold.

But this year, I’m calling it “Midsummer Day” like the English do (at least the English children’s books I read) and I’m surprisingly fine with it. I’ve been telling myself this year is all about “increase, not loss”–after all, we have three months of abundant light left, and winter isn’t the end of the world when there’s snow hiking to be done.

I also have to think of this quote from Cold Mountain, which I read back in my 20s when I had such a hard time seeing the solstice pass:

“Were she to decide fully to live here in Black Cove unto death, [Ada] believed she would erect towers on the ridge marking the south and north points of the sun’s annual swing…Over time, watching that happen again and again might make the years seem not such an awful linear progress but instead a looping and a return.”

Yes. Looping and return. Increase, not loss. Happy solstice! IMG_0726

Astronomical bonus: it’s the full “supermoon” Sunday (science here; hippie things here), so celebrate all weekend.