Just Once

Just once in my life, I’d like to be able to tell off a client and hold out for my idea the way Don Draper does in this clip that isn’t allowing me to embed it. 
That is all.

2 thoughts on “Just Once

  1. I am saving this for a client. And I’mma gonna live out your dream and drop it like draper.

  2. So last night I watched this movie “Melancholia” (ostensibly about a rogue planet that collides with and destroys the Earth); the first half of the film follows a lavish wedding, wherein the bride is a very well regarded copywriter. Her boss is also the groom’s best man, and is constantly pestering her (even during his toast) to give him a tagline for their latest campaign before she leaves for her honeymoon. He continues to pester her, even as she gets more and more upset over other nastiness going on between her family, until she finally lets him have it: “I had *nothing* when you asked me at dinner, but then when you asked me again just after the cake-cutting, I started to get an idea: what if we based this campaign on YOU? But then I went right back to *nothing*. I hate you, and your firm, so deeply, that I can’t find the words.”

    Not quite Don Draper, and I know that you would like to tell them off as part of making a stand on behalf of a good idea, but, yeah… I wanted to share it 🙂

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