It Writes Itself, Folks!

So I changed my Tribune subscription to Sundays only, but for the last three weeks it’s been delivered every day, and today there was this gem: Let’s Tax Caffeine, Legislator Argues

[Rep. Craig] Frank, R-American Fork, has asked lawmakers over the next year to study the potential for taxing caffeine, a response to proposals this session to hike the tax on cigarettes – all of which failed

[…]Frank said he has seen research that caffeine can cause spontaneous abortion, psychological abnormalities and other disorders.

“We’re going after people who have problems with addiction for a revenue stream, only caffeine would be one that is more broad-based,” said Frank, who calls himself a “social caffeine drinker.”

That Diet Coke can KILL, people! Also, global warming is fake.

2 thoughts on “It Writes Itself, Folks!

  1. Ha! A friend just emailed me the same article. It’s got to be a joke, one of those ridiculously extreme proposals that’s intended to shock people into thinking about an issue.

    Either that, or I’ve really got to think about moving away from this place, because this is just batshit insane.

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