It’s the vernal equinox today, the first day of spring and a day of (symbolic) balance between day and night. It got a Google doodle, but how about some hippie thoughts, too?
“Throughout the world, the spring equinox is a time of great confrontation between the forces of darkness and light, [as symbolized] in the death and resurrection of the central deities of sacred teachings throughout the world. […] Without the opposition that darkness brings, there would be no movement and no struggle, and it is from the struggle that the spiritual treasures are produced.” (via)
Coming out of the long dark of winter or the long dark of the soul, it’s good to remember that there’s purpose and balance to everything, even darkness. For me this equinox marks a year of adjusting, a year post-breakup, and I hope at least a little growth (I won’t go so far as to say “spiritual treasures”).
It also means the tulip and hyacinth bulbs I planted last fall are coming up, and I’m not even going to try to make that an analogy. Happy spring!