Are You Tired Of This Yet?

By “this,” I mean posts in which I tell you that I’m watching a new TV series and it’s really good and I have a crush on the main actor. I hope you’re not too fed up, because guess what? I watched a new TV series!

The series is the modern-day interpretation of Sherlock Holmes on PBS, Sherlock. Yes, the actors are fun to watch:
Holmes gets to stand in front. Because he’s Sherlock Holmes.

Why hello, Sherlock. Are you deducing something?

But if you know me you know that before I was a Dune geek, before I read any Tolkein, I was a Sherlock Holmes fan. Holmes is my geekery of choice. So imagine my delight that the writers of this new series (who write for the new Dr. Who series, oh the colliding worlds of geekdom) did such a good job adapting the Holmes canon to the modern day.

Seriously, if you’re a fellow Holmes geek, it’s worth a watch to catch the in-jokes (deductions are made from a cell phone instead of a pocket watch; Watson’s a veteran of the modern Afghan war; he’s similarly confused about where he was shot; no, they’re not gay; etc.)

You can watch the first episode–“A Study in Pink”–online, with new ones airing Sunday nights for the next two weeks.

More Background On The Skirt Obsession

Another reason I’m suddenly into skirts, as stated yesterday, deserved its own post: I’ve started watching the TV show Glee. A sewing blog I read linked to another blog devoted entirely to one Glee character’s outfits, which were mostly cardigans and skirts. Without having seen the show, I started following the outfit blog for some fashion inspiration.

Fortunately, my friend Kara found out that I had never actually seen Glee and she loaned me her DVDs of the first part of season one–which I watched in a week. Guys, I love Glee! There’s music! Unpopular kids! Insecurity! Drama club! Gay teens! I LIVED this in high school. And I can finally think about it and not cringe.

I Really Wish Mad Men Season 2 Was Out On DVD

Because with my fancy new job I could use some advice from Don Draper! (Not for picking up women, of course; step 4 is the payoff…”Be uncannily successful at your job.”)

If you haven’t seen any Mad Men yet, you’re missing out, and not just on fantastic period clothes. Desperate for another series, I got Big Love from Netflix this week and couldn’t even make it to episode three. I kept wishing the acting were better, like Mad Men. Check it out here.(Mad Men, that is; don’t bother checking out Big Love.)