Two Vibes

I am still sick but Doc is still negative so as far as we can tell, his surgery is happening tomorrow. Based on current CDC recs, I can’t leave the house until Thursday, so he’s driving himself to the hospital and then I’ll do a car shuffle with my friend (who already got this) when I can visit him.

But that means I can’t be there to talk to the team beforehand, I can’t squeeze his hand, I can’t be there when he wakes up, I can’t even give him a hug goodbye at home. I am…really hating that, but thank god for therapy tools, I guess.

Anyway, I am veering between “everything is awful!” and “he’s ok with it and it’s out of your control anyway,” so enjoy this chaotic moodboard:

And finally, I’ve just been living in the bedroom with my laptop since Saturday night and wow have I been stress shopping–my tabs are all just different carts. At least I haven’t hit “buy” on any of them? But I might. This could be me, with not a care in the world:


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Things! Still! Keep!! Happening!!!

Forgive the exclamation points, thing are just still f**king happening. In the last three weeks, Doc’s had an emergency hospital stay, my dad got hit by a car (he walked away with a concussion), I threw my back out at the gym, and on Saturday I tested positive for COVID.

I honestly wouldn’t have even taken a test–I thought I just got my friend’s head cold–but then that friend let me know that she was positive. So I’m glad that it’s a mild case…but Doc has surgery scheduled for Wednesday this week so I’ve gone into lockdown in the house to try to not spread it to him and mess up his surgery date and his medical leave and everything else. (He’s been testing negative so far; spare him some good vibes.)

This picture really sums up the last few weeks:

Acting Accordingly

These are unknown times, my friends. I was working from home but still going to the gym at off hours. Doc, who works retail, was still going to his shifts (along with the rest of the store). I got Anne Helen Petersen’s newsletter Sunday morning and it finally hit me that what we were doing wasn’t enough:

It’s difficult to strike the right tone here, between inspiring the appropriate amount of concern to actually act and scaring or lecturing in a way that makes people shut down or become obstinate. Last week my approach was encouraging us all to be proactive, and think of what we could do for our communities. This week, I keep thinking of a line from this harrowing piece from an Italian in the Boston Globe:

“We thought a few local lockdowns, canceling public gatherings, and warmly encouraging working from home would be enough stop the spread of the virus. We now know that wasn’t nearly enough.”

People are hoarding toilet paper because they are scared of the abject worst: what will happen if society unravels, if we lose our ability to sustain the practices, routines, postures that make us feel human today. This, I think, is such a huge part of why people are still going to bars, why older people are insisting on keeping up their routines, why people are furtively going to the gym and telling themselves it’s okay because they’re wiping down the equipment. If you behave like nothing’s happening then maybe nothing will. This delusion will be responsible for so much continued spread, so much unnecessary suffering.

[emphasis mine]

Yes, I felt personally called out by the gym comment. But after I read that Boston Globe article she linked, I felt more and more strongly that we needed to cancel EVERYTHING for the next two weeks. No trip to Lowes to pick up the shower door, no more gym, no visits to family (Dad! I’ll call you!), groceries only when we absolutely have to. Doc was going to take some sick time and stay home–when he emailed his boss Sunday night, he got the reply that REI was closing all stores* and giving employees their pay to stay home.

I still know some people who think all of this is a huge overreaction, and I hope it is! But for now I’m behaving like the only thing I can do to help this situation is to have no social contact. If you have the ability to do that, too, please join me. (And let’s all be thankful we have a fabric stash.)


*From the press release: “Our decisions are grounded in the belief that there are more important things than business right now—we owe that to one another.”