Cake Roundup: Prinsesstårta

I don’t know where I first learned about it–probably Martha Stewart Living (RIP)–but I’ve always wanted to eat a Swedish Princess Cake, a magical domed cake covered in marzipan. I realized I had leftover marzipan in the fridge from my SIL’s cake so that’s what I did for my birthday cake!

That domed shape is made entirely with whipped cream (!)–no wonder I wanted to eat this. The rest of it is a sponge cake layered with raspberry jam and pastry cream.

I followed this recipe for the construction and the stabilized whipped cream but used Julia Child’s pastry cream recipe and a Betty Crocker sponge. I wanted the marzipan to be a lovely pale green like in the example recipe, but it turns out marzipan takes food coloring a lot more strongly than buttercream so it ended up pretty bright.

But was it delicious? Oh hell yes–almond-y and creamy and not TOO sweet. Eating it felt glamorous and it was everything I imagined it would be. (How many times do you get to say that?!)