Winter, I Say, "Meh" To You

I was so unhappy to see the snow yesterday morning, but then I remembered that 1.) it’d not dark until 6:00 these days; 2.) I can hear birds in the morning; and 3.) there are real afternoons again–it’s not just lunchtime and then dusk.

Plus, I found this quote in The Kitchen Diaries while I was looking for something to cook that wasn’t cream- or cheese-based over the weekend:
“People get down about this time of year, but even today [at the market] there were fat little partridges, clementines heavy with juice, and bunches of narcissi to cheer us up. There is good stuff if you are prepared to go and find it.”

And while partridge carcasses don’t cheer me up, the sentiment of the last line is sound.

Friday Unrelated Information

1. I have a couch! I feel just like a real adult now, with a KitchenAid and flat-pack furniture.
2. It’s February 1st, also known as
Imbolc if you’re a Celt or St. Brigid’s Day if you’re a Catholic. Essentially, it’s a pagan Groundhog Day, although it does signal the beginning of the end of winter.

3. Here’s a philosophical question to ponder: Do you think the alpacas know that the reflection in the mirror is themselves?