Friday Unrelated Information

1. Since it’ now officially the “holiday season,” I will tell you about my new favorite festive drink: Make an Old Fashioned, but use a clementine instead of an orange. Tasty!

2. Speaking of whiskey (and really, when are we not?), the two cases of scotch under a hut used in Shackleton’s 1909 expedition are now a little less buried in ice, so the maker of the scotch wants to drill them out. Drill, baby, drill!

3. And finally, someone has probably already forwarded this to you, but it is too awesome not to post. The Muppets present Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Wednesday Garden-Planting Tune

We got the cold-weather greens in the ground yesterday afternoon. This was in my head the whole time, much to Mr. Isbell’s chagrin:

(Sorry to get this in your head, too, but I had to do it. There are SINGING FLOWERS. And John Denver, who is probably high as a kite and who kind of looks like a Muppet himself. )