Five Years

Five years ago today I met Doc, he of the Steinbeckian nickname and ready puns.

For the longest time I thought a relationship was mostly like playing house: buying groceries, talking about our day, doing the cleaning and the errands. But Doc taught me that a real adult relationship should be about the interior, about two people who like each other learning to like each other more, learning to respect differences, learning to communicate the way the other needs it.

He’s been so caring during Mom’s sickness and after we entered the void of losing her. He gave me the push to start therapy, for which I will be forever grateful. He listens patiently while I describe all my workouts in great detail and he always admires the fabric I buy.

Here’s to another five years, honey. Happy anniversary.<3

The Third Anniversary Is Sprinkles

Three years ago today I went on a date with a man who was clever and warm and quick and kind and I thought to myself, “Karen, don’t mess this up.”

Well, he didn’t let me mess it up and I can say without hyperbole that these have been the best three years of my life, so thank you, sweetie. Happy anniversary.

I’ve Been Holding Out On You (Again)

If you couldn’t tell from pictures of shared shadows on the Sprial Jetty or a lot of “we” creeping into the weekend reports or even a casual “my boyfriend” thrown into a post about yoga, there’s someone in my life now and he is so great. Let’s call him Doc, because he is this quote from Cannery Row in real life:

Doc would listen to any kind of nonsense and turn it into wisdom. His mind had no horizon–and his sympathy had no warp. He could talk to children, telling them very profound things so that they understood. He lived in a world of wonders, of excitement. He was concupiscent as a rabbit and gentle as hell. Everyone who knew him was indebted to him. And everyone who thought of him thought next, “I really must do something nice for Doc.”

I’m afraid that if I open the floodgates of FEELINGS I will never shut up, so I’ll just say, “Thanks, universe, for letting me meet him. You outdid yourself this time.”