A Belated Toby-versary

I knew I was coming up on 4 years with the love of my life, but I’m ashamed to say that last night I realized I had missed the actual date (March 23rd). I can’t feel too bad, though, because the love of my life also missed it (unless one of his highly varied and operatic “MEOW!!”s was meant to be a reminder).

Dates aside, happy anniversary to my friend, my “something to love,” my entertainment. He meows, he chirps, he sings, he knows many, many words and phrases, he knows our routines, he lets me know when those routines are different (“MEOOOOOW!!”), and he pulls an endless variety of faces:



Unconvinced, with a side of disapproval.



Approving, yet tired.


I Feel As If I’ve Been A Crazy Cat Lady For Much Longer

Today marks three years of Toby in my life! Here he was the first day he came home–so small and worried.

And here he was Monday, large and sassy and inspecting fabric:

You already know that I get pretty ridiculous when it comes to Toby, dedicating poems to him on Valentine’s Day, reading him The Tailor of Gloucester on Christmas Eve, saying he’s the love of my life on our last “anniversary,” etc. So it’s not crazy of me at ALL to put up the theme from Love Story to mark this year’s anniversary. NOT AT ALL. Because I think the lyrics suit the occasion:

He came into my life and made the living fine
and gave a meaning to this empty world of mine
…I reach for his [paw], it’s always there

On Leaving The House

I left the house twice in five days this holiday weekend. I love staying home, but there’s something to be said for going to a job where there are other humans: Friday I caught myself worrying that Toby doesn’t go to school (no, don’t know where that came from) and Saturday I thought, “If I just don’t watch the last two episodes of Doctor Who, then the Doctor and Rose can still be together!”

I think if I were ever to freelance from home I’d have to belong to a gym, or a knitting club, or a book club–just something to remind me that people use words to talk, not meows.