This commercial from Purina New Zealand would have been a fun account to work on. Kitties! Yarn! Oh my!
Category: advertising
Minus The Scotch (For Now)
Today is the first day that I’ll be working from my new office (!). Just like Peggy Olson, I’m moving up as a copywriter. Unlike her, I don’t have booze and paper cups in my desk drawer. Yet.
I Have No Words
Did We All Have A Merry Christmas?
Serves Me Right To Complain About Private Jets
Remember my last business trip? Yeah, I’ll wear all the booties you want if you don’t make me fly to Orlando and back and arrive both places after midnight. Oh, the humanity.
But I’m home now. And business trips=salary. So I really shouldn’t complain about this one, either.
Jury Duty Looms
So work is slow this week, but next week a site needs to be written and there’s the potential for a trip to Florida for a new client, plus all of the other things the only writer at an agency handles. And that’s all going to be a problem because I’ve been called for jury duty.
I’m hoping that the court will find enough jurors before my number comes up. And failing that, I’m hoping the deadline on that site is flexible. In theory, a break from the routine with lots of downtime for knitting sounds OK, but I’d be happier if I had some freelance lined up. I guess that’s today’s project.
Are You Watching Mad Men Yet?
Oversleeping + Busyness = Picture Post
(From Married to the Sea. Click if you need it bigger.)
What I Do At Work (Besides Ride On Private Jets)
A couple of sites I worked on the last two months are finally live:
- A Novell partner site (I did this freelance, actually; then got a job. All the Microsoft wasn’t for nothing!)
- The Franklin Covey Mission Statement Builder
(I’ve done more than this, of course. Have I mentioned the work that required a trip on a private jet?)
Friday Unrelated Information
1. Things I have done at work this week (unrelated projects): Researched the difference between a multi-level marketing scheme and a pyramid scheme; used more exclamation points writing one web site than I have in my entire professional career; and learned about the growing mainstream market for total-body cleanses. My job is awesome!
2. Speaking of advertising, let’s watch some Precious Roy Home Shopping Network (from the most brilliant show ever to appear on MTV, Sifl & Olly):
3. And to end the week on a more highbrow note, I came across an Elizabeth Bishop quote that, for me, defines the reason literature exists: “Since we do float on an unknown sea I think we should examine the other floating things that come our way carefully; who knows what might depend on it.”