Wednesday Long Read

For your long read today, learn about “coded patriarchy” and why women are “the largest disruptive force in business” in Danielle Kayembe’s “The Silent Rise of the Female Driven Economy.

I loved all of it, from the wheel track analogy to the author’s takedown of the current business establishment:

After decades of an “I’ll ask my wife” or “just make it pink and charge more” mentality when it comes to women’s products, along with decades of resistance to calls for diversification — which would have resulted in less hostile environments for female employees — existing institutions don’t have the internal resources and knowledge necessary to adapt. After fostering and rewarding cultures where the most capable women are talked over, poorly paid, rarely promoted and shut out of innovation, these firms will continue to lose their best female talent.


It’s long but it’s honestly exciting: Change is coming! Women have the [spending] power! And there’s a huge opportunity out there for a woman’s next big idea:

“…as a woman, every pain point you’ve experienced walking through daily life is an empire-building business idea that has never occurred to a single one of the Fortune 500 CEO’s named John, Mark or James.”