Political Action Wednesday

We’re six days into the new administration and if it’s giving you heartburn, here’s some things you can do.

  • The Women’s March will be outlining 10 things to do in the 100 days following the marches. The first thing? Download a postcard and write your elected officials.
  • Another thing to do? Pick up the phone and call. The65.org (named after the 65 million people who didn’t vote for our current president) has scripts you can use that are updated weekly.

As I understand it, calling and mailing are far more effective than an email, because of the physical reminder. It’s easy to set an auto-responder for an email and never look at it, but when your staffers are too busy answering phones to do anything else, it gets noticed.

(Utah people, Orrin Hatch, Career Politician, is on the Education Committee in charge of Betsy DeVos’ confirmation. Call if you can.)