My nephew Skyler is two years old today! It’s hard to believe that just a year ago he was starting to walk, and that he outgrew his first Hawaiian shirt 20 months ago. He obviously needed another aloha shirt, so I made him one for his birthday.

What do you think, Skyler?


I think he likes it!IMG_0507


Speaking of making things for the Most Darling Nephew Ever, remember how my dad learned how to make balloon animals for Skyler? Look what Dad made for the Nemo-themed party last Saturday:



“But wait, there’s more!”

Amazing!  It gets even better, though. My dad even made one of the party games, a bean bag toss: made the frame, cut the holes, and painted it. (My sister-in-law sewed the bean bags.)


I think it’s fitting that I gave Skyler art supplies for his “fun” present (because who wants a shirt when you’re two?).  I don’t think he can avoid making things in this family.